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Plastic Products

If you are looking for Plastic Products information then you are at right palace. Here you will get all Plastic Products. So check the products and if you like then you can Contact with supplier at 0522854284.

Brand Detail

We provide product of Appollo Houseware brand founded in 1986, Golden Enterprises has over the years built a reputation as the world's leading polymer manufacturer. With the experience of two generations coupled with knowledge of the current era, warehouses and production facilities, Golden Enterprise has carved its name into the world as one of the best manufacturers of today.
Appollo Houseware is a branch of this well-known organization that was founded in 2007 to create a direct connection with its customers. Appollo is the retail side of Golden Enterprises and aims to capture the largest retail polymer market share in the world.
We are currently online in Pakistan and will soon be expanding towards the Middle East. With our proven track record and keen pursuit of perfection in the design, development and production of polymer home and kitchenware, we aim to be the household name for every home product sold. We strive to be the top of mind product for every household across Pakistan and soon around the world.

Contact Detail:

Whatsapp: 0522854284 (UAE)
03315829820 (Pak)
Call : 0522854284 (UAE)
03315829820 (Pak)

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Facebook: Plastic Product
Youtube: Plastic Product
Pinterest: Plastic Product
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